During the excursion which included the period 15.08. – 28.08.2022 where the participants were: Liridon Hoxha (Federal Nature Protection Agency, BfN, Germany), Dr. Josef Tumbrinck (Federal Ministry for Environment, Germany), Dr. Gregor Schmitz (University of Konstanz) and Dr. Qenan Maxhuni (Kosova Environmental Education and Research Center – KEERC), were visited 15 different sites in the southern and eastern regions of Kosovo. The main areas were the NP Sharri, the Drin near Prizren, the area Hani i Elezit and the area Kamenica.
During this inventory tour has been collected especially Orthoptera and could find about 50 % of all species which potentially occur in Kosovo. We found also three species new for Kosovo. A publication about the Orthoptera of the Republic of Kosovo is in preparation.
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